DRS Kids has made a reputed and trustworthy name in the top 10 preschools in India. The various models of DRS Kids cater to all economic sections and across urban and rural areas. The ease with which the associates can set up a preschool franchise of their own has led to over 100+ DRS Kids preschool franchises. DRS Kids gives you a strong foundation and a successful future. We provide a rich and stimulating environment to satisfy the educational needs of children aged 1.5-6 years. It develops their social, physical, emotional, and academic skills. It is among the top 10 preschools in India. DRS Kids is a fun playschool that provides a safe, educational, and nurturing environment to its mini DRSites. The award for Best Franchisee by Franchisee India was given to us. It makes us one of the top 10 preschools in India. The process to finalize a DRS Kids franchise is very quick and easy. Let us walk you through the process of signing up with one of the top 10 preschools in India.
We Are Also Locally Listed on Below Given Website.